Monday, September 2, 2013

[olive] the (mis)adventure of chokie

meet chokie. my dachshund and shipoo mix dog-sister. she normally just keeps to herself, the introvert type, really. i guess she is unhappy most of the time since she needs to stay in the cage lest she wander off. 

as you can see, chokie takes after her mum, the late janelle ( pure dachshund) in terms of size. she can easily squeeze herself in between the railings of our gate. so, for her own safety, she stays in a cage most of the time, being let out regularly (usually in the mornings) for some horsing (or should i say dogging?) around with me and the rest of the pack. 

she really is affectionate once she opens up to you. and next to her mum, chokie  was the most welcoming when i first came home. 

August 3, 2013 was a sad day for us when chokie decided to break free and discover what was out there. it worried my humans so much as she is not used to running along roads, fearing that she will get run over or if she was picked up and sold either as a pet or God forbid, for dog meat! 

so, my human found herself taking quick looks at black dogs even while driving to and from home. hoping to chance upon chokie as she went around in her adventure of a lifetime. 

just when we were resigned to not seeing her anymore, one good news came. my human's nephew saw chokie hanging around a gated house that looked like our house :) quickly, they picked her up and got her home! so, last August 22, 2013, chokie came home. 

chokie must have had a hard life during the days she was away. for the past weeks since she came back, she has been eating slowly, never finishing up her food. always a little leftover is there, which she proceeds to eat later in the day. perhaps, saving some food, after having gone hungry for days. 

in any case, thank you to the kind people who had given food to all stray dogs. 
thank God, chokie found them while she was wandering around. 

chokie never really liked having her pictures taken.
chokie, all stressed out after her misadventure
 as of now, chokie is recovering. the fleas and ticks she picked up during her wandering days are almost completely gone. she is slowly finding her bark. her appetite is picking up.  pretty soon, the old chokie should be back :)